There are 3 ways to include parameters to the form:
  • User interface Use the interface below to add parameters to the form. All changes will be previewed instantly in the example form. These inputs will be appended as parameters to the source of the script.
  • Javascript parameters Following parameters can be declared directly in your own javascript before including the script with the form <script>
        var hitid = 1234; // unique id which tracks the visitor
        var slug = 'my-funnel-slug';// slug of the funnel
        var qze = 1234; // affiliate id
        var aff_sub, aff_sub2, affsub3, aff_sub4, aff_sub5 = 'my custom value' // own custom values
  • URL parameters Following parameters in your URL will be processed by our platform when submitting the form.
    See how following example URL would be resolved.
    This value is the identifier of your visitor.
    The value should be an unique id. Usually your click tracking platform has a token which will generate a hit id (= click id) for you.

    This value should be your unique affiliate id. With this id we can match the lead with your account.
    You can find this in the affiliates section of our platform.

    The identifier for the funnel where the form will be used for.
    This value must have the same slug which was used to register your funnel in our platform.

    The value should be a 2 letter ISO country code.
    By using this parameter the form will be generated in a specific language.
    Following ISO country codes are available for the form: en, de, es, pt and it

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for reporting purposes.

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for reporting purposes.

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for reporting purposes.

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for reporting purposes.

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for reporting purposes.

    Any additional custom value you want to register with this lead for tracking purposes.
* Priority for double declared parameters when using above methods will be as followed:
  URL parameters > Javascript parameters > UI parameters

Required fields

Hide crypto coins in success modal

Optional fields

Form components

Show password Show GDPR Show terms & conditions

Form Styling

Switch for following text input

Form Register Button Styling

Form example

Script to include

Click to copy
{{ linkWithScriptTag }}

Form modals

Show Registration modal Show Privacy Policy modal Show Terms & Conditions modal